The curtain is closing on Game of Thrones but there’s still enough time to make a final bet. Who do you think will fall at the last hurdle? Who will only see the Spring as a dream?
House Stark
The early seasons saw House Stark pushed to the brink of oblivion. That slide has stopped. As other houses weaken Stark now seems steadfast with a lot of talent to call upon.
This is winter. It is the time for wolves.

Having just survived another two battles, Jon is one of the most experienced fighters still in the game. Politics is his Achilles heel however and he is now a key political figure. As the true heir to the throne Jon must decide to stand by the genocidal Daenerys or kill her off. Either way he is in severe danger.

Davos has gotten a little better for surviving the Battle for Winterfell but as Jon’s right hand man he is still uncomfortably close to the frontlines of an inevitable civil revolt.

Has Arya finally given up on her quest for vengeance or is there one last person she needs to add and remove from her list? Several times Arya narrowly avoided being killed by Daenerys and she was left horrified by the experience of watching Drogon decimate King’s Landing. She might attempt to kill the new Queen off.

Many think Sansa should be safe in the north but she has already outraged the new Queen by plotting against her. Should Sansa continue to meddle in Daenerys’ affairs she may soon be turned to ash.

Anything that could go wrong for Sansa would also directly affect Brienne as her main protector. A Valyrian steel sword and some stout armour would not save Brienne from being roasted alive.

Pod survived the odds to escape the Army of the Dead. I don’t see much chance of him heavily featuring in the season finale but if you think he might perish then why not gamble on his sky-high odds?

Bran has had little to do this season so far and with his main threat dead after episode three, he looks unlikely to be of much assistance in the end. He also looks unlikely to come to harm.

Contrary to some reports Alys did survive the Battle for Winterfell, putting in an appearance at the funeral pyres. She was not visible at the Battle for King’s Landing so she has more than likely returned to relative safety in Karhold.

This jackass has survived by avoiding all conflict and has hidden himself in Deepwood Motte. He will survive the show there. May he rot.

With Winterfell safe, Wolkan is unlikely to die before the series end. Unless his ravens turn on him as he tries to attach an A3 letter.
The Dead Stark Affiliates

House Wildling
Only one named character remains but he is more than enough for us! Don’t waste your money betting here.

Some may be disappointed to see Tormund travelling beyond the wall effectively ending his tenure on the show. I’m just delighted to see the man survive. Don’t besmirch his name by betting on his death, I beg you.
House Arryn
House Arryn may be dragged into the conflict without the wishes of its lords thanks to their close ties with the Starks. These characters might be worth sinking some cash into if you don’t mind a sizeable risk.

With men falling like flies Robin Arryn is probably the third most eligible bachelor in all of Westeros. Watch out ladies! Robin would do well to avoid the politics of King’s Landing at such a precarious time.

Yohn Royce’s odds are slowly improving as he once again comes out on top after two dangerous battles. His forces are looking more and more depleted however. Royce must be careful with using his forces to support House Stark.
House Tully
House Tully’s troops have received minimal damage since the War of the Five Kings finished. They are an interesting proposition to bet on as you need Edmure to make one last fateful appearance.

With Targaryen sitting on the Iron Throne, Edmure’s allegiance becomes an important commodity. Will stay loyal to the Starks, make a pact with the Dragon Queen or perhaps stay far away from the hellscape of King’s Landing.
House Greyjoy
Congratulations to those who bet on Theon’s death. Slim pickings remain from this house.

Yara is the sole survivor here but she is unlikely to make an appearance. The Iron Islands need to be placed firmly under her grasp so she will avoid leaving them to join the folly in the Crownlands.
The Dead Greyjoy Affiliates

House Lannister
Episode 5 was devastating for the House Lannister. Hopefully it was not devastating for your pockets!

Poor Tyrion has lost the remnants of his family to Daenery’s war crimes. He is close to the brink himself as once again he defied the Dragon Queen. Even if she doesn’t find out Tyrion may confront Daenerys over her atrocities and he would be lucky to survive this confrontation.
The Dead Lannister Affiliates

The Iron Bank
The Iron Bank will have its due but you won’t make anything if you bet on them.

I’d be very surprised if the Iron Bank dares to reclaim its debts after what has just happened to King’s Landing. Tycho will stay in Bravos for his own safety.
House Targaryen
Targaryen seems to have won the Game of Thrones but the coming episode may see this house finally fall in all but name.

With her trusted advisors dead or likely to kill her, Daenerys is in severe danger. She may be flushed from the victory of winning this war but most of Westeros will now hate her. You’ll struggle to make money betting on her as most can see Long Claw will be embedded in her chest before the last episode finishes.

Grey Worm may be a formidable warrior but he is probably not capable of defeating Jon Snow. Even if he succeeds, Arya may be his next opponent. This man has nothing left to live for other than death. Death may oblige him.
The Dead Targaryen Affiliates

House Baratheon
Back from the dead with a brand new member!

Gendry was last seen travelling to retake Storm’s End in his family’s name but there is a chance he may be dragged into choosing, Stark or Targaryen. Talk about a rock and a hard place.
The Dead Baratheon Affiliates

House Tarly
With Tyrell wiped out, House Tarly is the strongest force remaining in the Reach. Only the most foolhardy gambler would place their money here.

Samwell has a little extra risk than the rest of his family as Daenerys knows he has direct evidence of Jon being the true heir to the throne. Still his death may lead to questions and Sam will most likely stay in the west, out of harms reach.

Gilly will be welcomed back to Hornhill by Sam’s family. The only real threat on her life is childbirth.

Little Sam will see this series out whether you bet on his death or not. He came within a hair’s width of joining the Army of the Dead back in Season 3 and has been safely taken care of ever since.
A Sad Farewell to the Others Who Passed Away in the North
A sad farewell to this crew all belonging to factions that no longer have any say in the Game of Thrones. I hope their deaths helped lighten the load of your mortgage!