Team Avengers
The Avengers first caught Thanos’ eye back in 2012 and they will be his main combatants. As such, I do expect some casualties. Vision and Cap seem most likely to meet their ends. Both of them look to be in mortal peril in the trailer with Captain America refusing to back down to Thanos’ might and Vision getting attacked by Corvus Glaive. Hawkeye and Black Widow would do well to stay away from the fighting.
Team Asgard
If you thought the Avengers were in the worst danger then take a look at the poor Asgardians. Their heroes had barely ferried the remnants of their civilisation onto a jet before Thanos’ giant war ship closed in on them. It seems Thor and the Hulk will make it back to Earth. Loki might be able to trade his stolen Infinity Gem for survival. Things look grim for the rest of the cast.
Team Guardians
The Guardians have slightly better odds as they are unlikely to be involved in the preliminary battles. Nonetheless, with Gamora, Drax and Nebula holding personal grudges with Thanos they may be reckless in their approach.
Team Collector
The Collector is in serious danger considering he holds one of Thanos’ treasured Infinity Stones and has next to no defences. However, he hasn’t survived all these years for nothing.
Team Panther
With part of the Infinity War taking place in Wakanda it is quite likely that someone will kick the bucket. Whilst the king himself is most likely safe, the same cannot be said for M’Baku, Okoye and anyone else involved in the fighting.
Team Strange
Dr Strange might be one of the most powerful Avengers but the trailer shows him to be very vulnerable to Ebony Maw’s abilities. It also looks like poor Wong will also be roped into the action. Here’s hoping that everyone’s Beyoncé-loving Buddhist will make it out alive.
Team Black Order
After years of sending minions to do his dirty work, it’s time for Thanos to conquer Earth!
Thanos is very likely to come out on top in Infinity War so unless one of his generals steals the Infinity Gauntlet, he’ll be there for the sequel. Ebony Maw looks more than capable of handling himself, but the rest of the Black Order are not going to find Earth as easy a task as they expected. I expect at least one casualty from this group.
Team S.H.I.E.L.D.
S.H.I.E.L.D. will be assisting in organising the defence of Earth and, as such, could find themselves in harm’s way. With no superpowers, the Black Order might find S.H.I.E.L.D. easy to pierce.
We’d all like to think the villains won’t target Earth’s civilians but Thanos doesn’t really abide by the Geneva Convention. Still, I can’t see anyone here dying.