March 19, 2025

Gambling On Thrones – The War Continues

Only three episodes in and we’ve seen the Tyrells supplanted and the Martells bowed, bent and broken. Casterly Rock has crumbled, Daenery’s Greyjoy Rebel fleet has sunk and King’s Landing remains unconquered. The War in the South is heating up yet we cannot forget the North. The Night King approaches yet politics remain an unwavering factor in humanities survival.

Should you consider on having a flutter on who is likely to next dance with the Jak O’Shadows perhaps my updated guide will be of help to you.

Let the betting continue!


Team Stark

Well it’s been a busy few episodes of consolidation for the North. With Sansa managing Winterfell and Jon soon returning with lots of dragon glass the Starks are doing quite well.

Conventional wisdom would have Bran’s odds lowered the further he gets from the army of the dead but I am neither wise nor conventional. Bran now faces dangerous political enemies whose schemes may be revealed by his all-seeing eyes.

Melisandre has avoided meeting Davos again which bodes well for both of their survivability even with Melisandre’s bleak visions of the future.


Team Wildling

Tormund and the Freefolk have probably reached Eastwatch by now. I hope for their sake that the sea hasn’t frozen over. There’s nothing quite like battling a zombie hoard on thin ice.


Team Nights Watch

The mining of dragon glass and the temporary peace with the Dragon Queen are boons for the Nights Watch. Hopefully, Jon’s warnings of the coming threat will stick in Daenery’s mind. Sam and Co look safer with the Tarly family tied into the War in the South.


Team Lannister

Well my early predictions of their doom look far off the mark for now. With the Tyrells and the Martells defeated and the Tarlys on side its all coming up Millhouse for the Lannisters. Their odds of survival haven’t improved much though. They still need to cart the gold needed to pay the Iron Bank back across the open fields of Westeros. Should Daenery’s Dothraki hoard face them in an open field it will be disastrous for the Lannisters.

There are heavy casualties to come.


Team Maester

The Archmaester seems friendly and scholarly, two traits that make him likely to die. I bet he has included some interesting things in Sam’s old scrolls. The citadell seems less likely to get struck by the War in the South.


Team Wolfpack

Will Nymeria and her wolfpack have an effect on the wars to come? Probably not, but I certainly wouldn’t want to meet them in a dark woodland area.


Team Inn

The Inn at the Crossing could always fall into harm’s way with its troublesome geography. Hot Pie is a self-professed survivor though. No one is separating the dough king from his oven.


Team Littlefinger

Littlefinger is fantastic at using the slightest leverage to get what he wants but right now he has little to work with. The Arryn army is just as loyal to Yohn Royce as it is too him and he seemingly has no good political angles to play. Just what is contained in the maester’s messages that made Petyr go pale in last episode? Could Bran’s knowledge expose his duplicity in the past? With no worth and a backlog of betrayal haunting him, it’s looking less and less likely that Littlefinger can survive.


Team Brotherhood

As the Brotherhood Without Banners travels north they leave the relative safety of the decimated Riverlands behind. Soon the grip of the Lannisters and the stupidity of the Freys will be but a happy memory to these men.


Team Targaryen

Tyrion is smart but you can always depend on smart people to make the best tactical decisions and that has made him predictable to his siblings. Littlefinger’s once said:

“Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next. Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose or even seem to work against you.”

With Daenerys taking heavy losses you can expect her to throw caution to the wind and either try to intercept the Lannister forces near Highgarden or reverse her decision on attacking King’s Landing. Either way, her dragons face more danger than ever before and it’s likely one will fall before the season ends.

Missandei and Grey Worm’s romance seems to have had its ideal ending. Now may be the time for one of them to fall and so does their odds. Varys has struggled to be effective with his spy network stolen by Qyburn. Melisandre seems to feel he will die soon, although she is often wrong.



Team Iron Bank

Tycho may be happy that the Lannisters are putting him up in a cosy room in King’s Landing but he most definitely shouldn’t be. Cersei has paid her debts to the Tyrells and Martells by killing them. The Lannisters may owe the Iron Bank a tidy sum of gold, but they also owe them vengeance for the backing of usurper Stannis Baratheon. Even if Cersei doesn’t intend on killing Tycho he may still end up burnt alive by Daenerys.


Team White Walker

Mr Frosty and Co have been missing for a few episodes. What’s become obvious is that the War in the South may last more than just a single season. The Night King may not be part of the final battle. Instead he may only be the distraction… Well, he probably is the main villain but his odds of death have fallen slightly.