March 19, 2025

Stop the ‘Baby on Board’ Scourge

November 29, 2015 Ryan

One frivolous road based topic has crossed my mind multiple times when driving along the motorway. Its confusing tendrils drawing my mind away from my mild irritation at the white van occupying the passing lane of the motorway whilst driving a tepid 50mph. Seriously, just move to the middle lane! […]

Spectre is a Damp Squid

November 1, 2015 Ryan

This week I took a stroll into one of Belfast’s cinemas. I won’t say it’s name for legal reasons so we shall call it Nodeon. A small popcorn and coke set me back £3.20 and […]

Has Microsoft Lost Its Way?

July 11, 2015 Ryan

People used to hate them. Those were the days. Microsoft had an unenviable talent for summoning guttural disdain from a user base wholly dependent on it. Straddling the computer software market like it was King […]

Why are England a bad team?

June 13, 2015 Ryan

Yesterday I was talking to my friend Bill who totally exists and is not an artificial construct created to assist me in polluting the internet with my opinion. Bill told me that England are a […]

David Cameron and His New Avengers

May 15, 2015 Ryan

What do politicians and super heroes have in common other than strong self-belief and a love of spandex? The ability to divide opinion is the surest of answers. If, however you were to suggest the […]